Feeder free medium for ES/iPS cells StemFit

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StemFit™ Basic03 StemFit™ Basic03 StemFit™ Basic03 is an animal-origin
free, defined medium for human
pluripotent stem cell culture.
StemFit Basic03 GMP StemFit™ Basic03 GMP StemFit™ Basic03 GMP is an
animal-origin free, defined medium for
human pluripotent stem cell culture.
StemFit Basic04 StemFit™ Basic04
Complete Type
StemFit™ Basic04 Complete Type
(Basic04CT) is an animal-origin free,
defined medium for human
pluripotent stem cell culture.
*This medium contains bFGF.
StemFit Basic04 Complete Type GMP compliant StemFit™ Basic04
Complete Type
GMP compliant
StemFit™ Basic04 Complete Type GMP
(Basic04CT GMP) is an animal-origin free,
defined medium for human
pluripotent stem cell culture.
*This medium contains bFGF.
StemFit AK02N/03N StemFit AK02N/AK03N StemFit AK02N and StemFit AK03N
are corresponding to Basic02 and
Basic03 medium respectively but it
contains bFGF. These products are
commercially available only in Japan.
StemFit StemFit Protein Product brochure


Product comparison table

Product comparison table

Significant cost reduction

Significant cost reduction Significant cost reduction

StemFit media enables flexible weekend-free feeding which drastically reduces the culture cost.

Superior growth performance on any matrices

Superior growth performance on any matrices

Human 201B7 iPSCs grown on MEFs (feeder-dependent) were transitioned to feeder-free conditions with StemFit Basic02 or commercially available medium A on respective ECMs (1000 cells/cm2), and cultured for one week.

Superior colony-forming efficiency from a single cell clone

Superior colony-forming efficiency from a single cell clone Superior colony-forming efficiency from a single cell clone

Human iPSCs were adapted to StemFit Basic02, or commercially available medium A or B on Matrigel® for more than 3 passages. Then, cells were serially diluted and seeded with each medium on Matrigel®-coated 96-well plates at 1 cell/well or 10 cells/well. The number of seeded cells was counted after 3 hours, and colonies were counted at day 7.

Highly stable and reproducible single-cell
and feeder-free culture system

Highly stable and reproducible single-cell and feeder-free culture system Highly stable and reproducible single-cell and feeder-free culture system

Data from Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult in UK

Superior performance of StemFit AK03N for the culture of induced pluripotent stem cells
–Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult conducted the comparative cultivation testing in different culture systems–

Data from Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult in UK

The figure shows the average level of population doublings per day (PDL/day(d-1)

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Differentiation medium MSC medium Recombinant Proteins

For more information, please contact us.

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AJINOMOTO CO., INC. AminoScience Division
15-1, Kyobashi 1-Chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-8315, Japan

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